You can still register to the *WBZU Course Fuel Cells and Hydrogen*.

WBZU Course Fuel Cells and Hydrogen gives an important introduction to the
basic science and engineering behind fuel cell technology and provides by
theoretical and practice lessons on four days how fuel cells work, why they
offer the potential for high efficiency, and how their unique advantages
can best be used.

Designed to be accessible to fuel cell beginners, the
course is suitable for any engineering or science major with a background
in calculus, basic physics and elementary thermodynamics.
WBZU Course Fuel Cells and Hydrogen
March 25 - 28, 2014WBZU, Ulm, Germany
Fuel Cell Education and Training Centre Ulm (WBZU)
Helmholtzstrasse 6
89081 Ulm
The complete program and all information for registration you will see
here: Program
Laboratory sessions will be conducted to reinforce important concepts
covered during the presentations. The instructors will select a number of
laboratory modules for the course. At the laboratories special test benches
and demonstration units guarantee a practical training.
This course will be presented by scientists of the Center of Solar Energy
and Hydrogen Research (ZSW). ZSW is a research centre on fuel cells
and batteries and world-wide known for its work on PEFC- fundamentals,
stack developing and testing and system engineering.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Ulm.

Weiterbildungszentrum für innovative Energietechnologien
der Handwerkskammer Ulm
Helmholtzstr. 6, D-89081 Ulm
Manuela Egger
Tel: +49 (0)731/ 1 75 89-21
Fax: +49 (0)731/ 1 75 89-10
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